September 2019

September 1,2019

An Appeal To Help Ramdas Abhirama Das Who Is In Critical Condition
Dear Devotees worldwide, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We are again making an appeal for financial support, this time for a very dear and loved devotee who has made significant contributions to the cultural expansion of our Krishna consciousness in the world. Ramdas Abhirama Das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, suffered a serious cerebral intraparenchymal hemorrhage while visiting Italy with his wife Dhrti Dasi last week. Cerebral intraparenchymal hemorrhage is when a blood vessel bursts in the brain depriving the brain of oxygen and proper blood supply. It can result in death or impaired mobility throughout life.
When the hemorrhage happened Ramdas fell unconscious and was immediately airlifted by helicopter to a good hospital in Livorno, Italy. He has been in an induced coma in ICU since that time and more than likely he will remain in ICU for several weeks. Because the hemorrhage is deep within his brain doctors cannot operate. They can only monitor the situation.
Ramdas and Dhrti have Medicare in the USA, but unfortunately, it does not cover medical expenses in other countries. Additionally they have no travel insurance.
We have consulted with the doctors about the cost of his care while in the hospital and they gave a rough estimate of £50,000. I say rough estimate because at this stage no one really knows what will happen to Ramdas. We can only pray and wait. If Ramdas survives the doctors say he will require months of successive treatment to learn how to use his bodily functions again. In their opinion that could easily amount to another £30,000. Needless to say, Dhrti will also need some financial support throughout this ordeal as well. She is presently staying with an Italian family who kindly offered a room in their modest house at least for the time being.
Ramdas and Dhrti are legends in ISKCON art, having painted in the BBT art trust from 1975 to 1986, with the original core of BBT artists including Jadurani Dasi, Pariksit Das and Murlidhar Das. They received personal instructions on painting from Srila Prabhupada and their paintings are included in the Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Devotion, Caitanya Caritamrta and Krsna Book.
Please donate generously to helping Ramdas and Dhrti in this very difficult and challenging moment in their lives. Srila Prabhupada once described the paintings done by them and other ISKCON artists as, ‘windows to the spiritual world.”
Your Servant,
Indradyumna Swami

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September 2,2019

Diary of a Traveling Monk Volume 15, Chapter 8
September 3, 2019 These Golden Days

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September 7th,2019

A Festival Every Day
Our festival’s are an interesting blend of east and west in order to attract the general mass of people to the deeper message of Krsna consciousness. They are family affairs and we arrange them so that there is something for everyone in the family. Because they are colorful,attractive, fun and deeply devotional people attend each summer, year after year. My godbrother, B.B Govinda Mahārāja once kindly described them as, “The Greatest Show On Earth.”

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September 10th,2019

I’m going, are you? 😉

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September 10th,2019

Over 5,000 devotees attended this year’s Sadhu Sanga Festival in Russia. The sheer volume of devotees and the prestigious presence of senior devotees made it a most memorable event. [ Photos by Kartamashi dasa ]

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September 14th, 2019

Many thousands of devotees showed up for this year’s annual Bhakti Sangam festival in Ukraine. The theme for his years event was “boiling the milk.” In other words, taking care of devotees. The kirtans were out of this world, as were the many seminars and cultural performances.

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September 18th,2019

Yesterday a very dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada, Bahulasva das, departed this world. Please click on the following link to watch the touching interview he gave just two days before he left his body. His memories of Srila Prabhupada are wonderful. Bahulasva prabhu made an indelible impression in my Krsna consciousness in my formative years in the movement. He would sometimes visit the Detroit temple where I joined and give lectures that I still remember. Once I told him, “I want to be a preacher just like you!” I have no doubt he is now with Srila Prabhupada. He is in white, walking on the far right side of the photo with Srila Prabhupada. We owe everything to devotees like him who helped pioneer this great Krsna conscious movement. Here is the link:

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September 18th,2019

Dear disciples: A special request that you listen to the Srimad Bhagavatam class I gave at the recent Bhakti Sangam Festival in Ukraine. There were 3,000 devotees present and I did my best to illuminate striking the balance between performing sadhana and sharing Krsna consciousness with others. Sivarama Swami, Niranjana Swami and Govinda Swami all complimented me after the class. Of course, that was their kindness. Any success we have in Krsna consciousness can only be Srila Prabhupada’s mercy upon us. The class is entitled: “Snug As A Bug In A Rug.”

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